ISSN: 1301-255X
e-ISSN: 2687-4016


1Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi, Geleneksel Türk El Sanatları Bölümü
2Tebriz İslami Sanatlar Üniversitesi

Keywords: Gabbeh, Carpet, Iran, Zagros, Weaving


Gabbeh carpets; The Persian (Iranian) word Gabbeh means something raw or natural, uncut or “rough”. Gabbeh is the world’s best known coarse Iranian weaving. Carpets and rugs woven in the mountains and plains of central south Zagros have been woven for the Gabbeh tribe for centuries. Another feature of Gabbeh carpets is the coarse carpets woven with relatively low knot density. The designs are typically geometric and symbolic in shape and style. The most common Gabbeh tap- estries are types woven to tell a story, asymmetrically, with numbers and symbols depicting “tale” pieces of the weaver.
Gabbeh carpets, unlike the Persian and Persian carpets, which are the best carpets of the period, are coarse, the layers are long and the number of knots is much less than other carpets. Despite all their flaws, Gabbeh carpets started to become popular in the 1970s, and in 1974, they were promoted in Europe and America and spread rapidly all over the world.
In this study, woven by the nomadic people in Iran, produced in the Zagros Mountains and plains and T.C. 10 Gabbeh carpets, which were seized and taken into custody with the file numbered 2015/274 of the Antalya 4th Enforcement Law Court, will be discussed in terms of technique, pattern and color.